Master Hilarion


SKU: master-hilarion Category:


Invoke this Master, the seeker of Truth for guidance upon your path. “The way, the Truth and the Life”.

Crystals used

Green Agate

Harmonises yin and yang, the positive and negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing and calming stone, Agate works slowly but brings great strength. It helps you to accept yourself, bringing self-confidence. Green Agate improves decision making.

Green Jade

Is a symbol of purity and serenity. It increases love and nurturing, keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.


Improves our intuition and brings the ability to recognise the truth in our everyday life. It helps us harmonise our will for action with our heart, so that our deeds are always coordinated with the highest and most noble goals of our true nature.


A very positive stone of prosperity. Balances male/female energies. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one’s own heart. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back into the past to find sources of disease.

Ruby & Zoistite

Heals the heart – facilitates access to soul memory and spiritual learning. Helpful in soul healing and past life work. Helps you to let go of old hurts.


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