The practice of kindness is a daily practice that requires determination in the beginning but becomes easier over time. It doesn’t take much, a smile, a helping hand, a friendly ear to listen to somebody’s troubles, making someone a coffee, buying a bunch of flowers for someone… the list is endless. When you make it a practice to be kind every day, it lightens your heart and makes you feel good as well as bringing positive energy and lightness to the person your’e being kind to. Even if somebody does something to hurt or criticises you, try being kind anyway. You aren’t responsible for how others behave or act, only how you react and feel each day so make a conscious effort everyday to be kind to everyone you meet. Be considerate, be friendly, be generous and be kind.
Be kind to yourself… We are constantly saying and thinking unkind thoughts about ourselves, criticising our looks, our bodies, our weight, our abilities, and we do untold damage every time we send these messages to ourselves. Make a point every day of sending kind thoughts to your body, say thank you to your body for everything it does to support you in life.
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