Bright Light is all about focusing on the light in your life, being in a state of gratitude for “all the good things in your life” is so important for keeping your vibration high. Everything vibrates at a frequency – worry, grief, guilt, anger, shame, fear etc all vibrate at a very low frequency which in turn attracts more of these energies to you. On the opposite side of that, love, joy happiness, gratitude, kindness, peace, celebration; all vibrate at a much higher frequency and in turn, attract more of those vibrations into your life.
This bracelet comes in holding the energy and intention of “Bright White Light” which holds a very high frequency and reminds us to keep our intentions and thoughts as positive as possible. “Do not react in anger, let it go and send it light, don’t focus on the news of war and death, send white light to the situation and let it go. Don’t talk negatively about people in your life with others, move away and send white light to them instead.” The discipline we need to live a “light conscious life” should be effortless, this is why I felt it was so important to work with the bright light energy to support our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies in this way.
We are living through unprecedented times with light flooding the planet and releasing everything that no longer serves our highest good. Do not fear changes, embrace them, ultimately, we all will hold a much higher vibration and raise the energy of the whole planet. To make it easier on us all, we need to focus on the light everyday, keep our thoughts positive and let go of what holds us back.
I have added the crystal “Auralite 23” to this bracelet as it can offer us a deeper feeling of serenity and connection to a higher power, which opens the mind to receiving more positive energies.
Azezulite has been added because it is said to be the first earthly material to receive the infusion of the Nameless Light, facilitated by the high angelic beings known as the Azez. You might say that Azeztulite is one of the key elements of the Vibrational Ascension that the Earth and the human species are now beginning to experience.
In wearing this bright light bracelet you invoke for yourself the highest vibration of pure intention and positive energy. Be kind to yourself at this time, and trust the crystals and healing energy anchored into the bracelet to help support you on your journey, on whatever part of your journey you find yourself on.
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