Hope 2021


SKU: hope-2021 Category:


We all need hope right now in our lives. This new Hope bracelet offers us a boost and much needed support to keep ourselves balanced, strong and feeling optimistic for the possibilities of the future. This bracelet comes in at the beginning of 2021 where the energy seems very ‘heavy and gloomy’ at this the darkest time of year for us in the northern hemisphere. It is so important to keep our focus on positive things, to be present with our energy in this now moment and not get dragged into the ‘doom and gloom’ of our everyday reality… We can find joy in the little things, keep our thoughts and ideas positive and have hope for a happy future!

I was guided to use sunny Citrine as the central stone bringing in revitalising positive energy, Atlantisite to harmonise chaotic energies and bring in a peaceful energy and also Green Chlorite which offers strong healing energies dispersing negative emotions and negative thoughts. Each bracelet has a green Diopside stone included which is a very empowering crystal for supporting the emotions. Other stones included are Garnet which is a high energy stone and Smoky Quartz which helps lift depression and negativity.

May this bracelet offer each person Hope in their lives for a brighter and happier future!

Crystals used


A powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun, this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It is warming, energising and highly creative. This crystal never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy and is extremely protective. It enegises every level of life. It is a stone of abundance and attracts wealth into your life. Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence, enhances individuality and improves motivation.


Harmonises chaotic energies and brings in a peaceful energy. Atlantisite helps overcome your inner fears and encourages positive thoughts.


A very powerful healing stone. The properties are overwhelmingly positive. It cleanses the aura, the chakras and the energy meridians. It attacks anger, hostility and dissipates the energy.

Rainbow Quartz

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent at unblocking it. It raises the energy to the highest possible level and contains the 7 levels of the rainbow and is the white light manifest on Earth.


A powerfully energising and regenerating stone. It cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.

Smoky Quartz

Is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations. It is a superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve. It teaches us how to leave behind anything that no longer serves us. It relieves fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calmness.


An extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual connection. It enhances spiritual awareness, promoting love of the divine. It helps clear the aura of negative energies. An excellent stone for meditation.

Green Diopside

A very empowering stone for supporting the emotions. This stone connects to the heart chakra and the heart of Mother Earth.


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