

SKU: infinity Category:


Introducing the Infinity Bracelet, a stunning piece designed to realign and balance your energy by tapping into the infinite cosmic vibrations and potential that surround us. This bracelet features beautiful Labradorite beads, known for bringing light into your aura, along with Moonstone for manifesting your deepest desires and Merlinite for enhancing intuition and connecting to higher frequencies of light.

The Infinity symbol itself holds great significance in spiritual practices as it traditionally represents limitless potential, eternal love, and interconnectedness. It is believed to clear negativity, raise vibrations, and promote harmony between individuals. By wearing this bracelet and visualising the symbol emanating from the heart and connecting with others, as a tool in daily life, we align ourselves to our highest good.

The Infinity Bracelet serves as a powerful tool for transformation and healing by visualising this symbol emanating from your heart centre to others, you can clear negativity and elevate your vibrations to a state of love, peace, and harmony.

The charm in addition serves as a reminder to tap into the limitless potential within you and to use the symbol to clear negativity, elevate your vibrations, and bring equilibrium into your life. Whether you wear it daily or use it in your spiritual practices, the Infinity Bracelet is a tangible representation of the boundless possibilities that exist when we align ourselves with the cosmic energies of the universe.

Crystals used

Blue Goldstone

A healing stone that increases self-acceptance, soothes hypersensitivity, encourages motivation and brings self-confidence to the wearer.


A stone of new beginnings. As its name suggest it is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. Like the moon the stone is reflective, and reminds us that as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. It is a stone for wishing and dreaming things in to being.


A stone of magic and intuition, Merlinite enhances creativity and imagination bringing magic into your life and a heightened spiritual awareness.

Blue Lace Agate

A wonderful healing stone. Its soft energy is cooling and calming bringing peace of mind. It neutralises anger. It heals suppressed feelings that stem from fear of being judged and rejected. A wonderful stone for communicating in a peaceful way.


A highly protective stone. It cleanses the aura. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth. It helps you to absorb new information and promotes quick thinking. Dissolving fixed patterns of behaviour and gently opens the door to the subconscious bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution.

Druzy Agate - Blue and Grey

Gives courage, strength, self-confidence and is said to dispel fear. Druzy agates bring harmony to groups and assists in bringing more light and energy to other crystals around it.


Stimulates psychic abilities and the intuition. This crystal connects to spirit guides and instills compassion. A Kyanite does not hold negativity, it never requires cleansing. It encourages you to speak your truth, cutting through fears and blockages. It opens the throat chakra and encourages self-expression and communication. It slices through confusion and dispels blockages, illusion anger frustration and stress.

Smokey Quartz

Is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations. It is a superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve. It teaches us how to leave behind anything that no longer serves us. It relieves fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calmness.

Rainbow Coated Quartz

This stone projects elevated mental activity and fortitude. The Quartz enhances the entire chakra system bringing balance and an elevated mood. It increases your focus allowing you to become more confident.


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