This bracelet is a powerfully grounding one that has been created to help us ground very deeply in the earth, clearing our negative energies, protecting and shielding us from negative entities, offering us the wisdom of the trees while at the same time reaching up to the heavens. The deeper we can ground, the higher we can reach energetically, and with all the negativity around us in the world it’s very challenging for us to keep our energy bodies clear. We all need to hold a higher frequency or vibration if we are going to enter the 5th Dimension and stay there, and we need to bury our roots deeper into the earth, like the trees, to keep us steady and able to weather the storms around us.
The trees offer us so much, from the very oxygen we breathe, filtering carbon, improving water quality, preventing flooding and offering habitat to birds and wildlife. They have much to teach us as it’s now been discovered they feed each other through a labyrinth of fungal connections under their roots, taking care of each other. They offer us wood to burn and keep us warm, wooden furniture for our homes, leaves which when composted can fertilise our soil when we grow vegetables, cleaner air to breathe and habitat for our birds.
Also, trees offer us a healing balm to our soul. Try hugging a tree every day and see your energy and mood lift!
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