Trust the Flow


SKU: trust-the-flow Category:


I have been guided to create this new bracelet and take it to Glastonbury Tor and the Chalice Well to capture the energies there on the Harvest full moon in September 2024 which also happens to be a partial lunar eclipse.

The bracelet holds the Violet Flame energy which we can invoke daily in our lives to transmute negativity around us. It also has the Magenta Light of Divine Love and I have added super powerful crystals to assist us in keeping our energy high and stress free.

We are being asked to remember and trust we are a force of light on the earth and we mustn’t allow external circumstances to dim our light. Trust in your gifts and abilities and stand in the light of your soul. Everything is Divinely timed and we are placed exactly where we need to be. We need to trust our intuition and nudges from spirit, read the signs that are always around us and follow our inner guidance.

Crystals used


An extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual connection. It enhances spiritual awareness, promoting love of the divine. It helps clear the aura of negative energies. An excellent stone for meditation and brings deep inner healing and inner peace.

Banded Amethyst

Also known as Chevron Amethyst. It is an excellent stone for working with the third eye chakra. It can enhance intuition and is a powerful stone for dissipating and repelling negative energy. It has a cleansing effect on the aura and brings strong healing and a feeling of harmony.

Rainbow and Clear Quartz

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent at unblocking it. It raises the energy to the highest possible level and contains the 7 levels of the rainbow and is the white light manifest on Earth.

Rainbow Rose Quartz

Is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important stone for the heart. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It releases unexpressed emotions and heartache. It can attract a loving relationship, or strengthen an existing one. The added rainbow coating on this stone takes the stone to a higher energy bringing in the rainbow ray.


Iridescent Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone. A bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects and universal energies. It deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It banishes fears and insecurities and removes other people's projections. It energises the imagination and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.


Clears blockages from the aura. Brings cosmic awareness. Reduces stress and depression and halts obsessive thoughts and relieves despondency. Frees you from the influences of others.

Auralite 23

Is a gemstone with a very strong healing power which activates us at a cellular level. It is a stone of awakening on every level and has been called a "Bridge to the Divine".

Fuchsia Jade

Is a symbol of purity and serenity. It is a protective stone which is said to keep the wearer from harm and brings harmony, it is said to attract love and friendship. Magenta or Fuchsia Jade has the added quality of bringing in the quality of Divine love and a trust in the Divine.


Is a stone of Grace and elegance. It decreases anxiety while increasing attention to detail. It works beneficially on the heart chakra, opening one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. It is a stone of inner growth as well, and helps with self-love. It is also a calming stone, with energies used for easing anger as well as calming stress and anxiety. It is said to bring emotional balance, and as such bring confidence in one's life in many areas.


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